Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why will the banks settle for pennies on the dollar?

I assume the reason why youre reading this is that you may feel your financial situation is declining rapidly. If Im wrong and youre doing great financially, making good money, paying off the bills every month and have money left over to do whatever you want, then this article is not for you. But, if you are feeling sick and I mean sick and tired of your financial situation then read on.

When I said declining rapidly, I mean its as if you feel youre being eaten alive by that invisible monster. The one that has sharp teeth and eyes that glow in the dark of the night keeping you awake; it makes your heart pound while you lay in bed worrying about how you are going to pay all your bills by the end of the month. Hopelessly praying that by next month it will somehow get better.

This same monster makes your heart jump, your palms sweat and your voice crack when the phone rings. Who is the monster you might ask? Thats right its the Bill Collector! Just like the devil, it goes by many names. The list is too long to mention here. Youre not stupid I know that you can name them. But like the devil this monster has one common name: The Bank! Yes for some it may be medical bills or old utilities, but for most of us the root of your problems stem from The Bank.

Easy credit, predatory lending and deceptive advertising are how they do it. They know that 90% of Americans dont have a clue how money really works and they want to keep it that way. If they required a test or a class on what can and does happen when you get that personal loan or credit card from them on their terms chances are you never would have accepted it.

The banks wont admit it to you but they think youre stupid when it comes to money! Theyre counting on it! Especially if you run into a problem and start paying them late or less than what they want each month. Thats when their profits really start to kick in. Why else would you put a yoke around your own neck so that you can be controlled by them for the rest of your life? For millions of us this is just what happens once you get a credit card. The light that you see at the end of your tunnel is the train thats going to hit you! It doesnt have to be this way there is hope!

Dont feel embarrassed. Youre not the only one out there in trouble. In fact, millions of Americans every year come to this same conclusion at some time in their life. Its unbelievable when you look over your shoulder, see that HUGE mountain of debt, and end up wondering, How did I get here?

Its the result of greed from the Banks. You may think that the oil companies 11 % profits in the 2nd Qtr 2006 were outrageous; but look at this recent headline, CREDIT CARD COMPANIES SCORE HIGHEST PROFITS IN 15 YEARS. MBNA in the 4th Qtr of 2003 made 30% profits! Thats right 30% and they break their own records year after year. You might ask how they do it. Fear! When most people get in financial trouble they just allow the Banks to control them with intimidation and fear tactics! They know that 90% of credit consumers will just roll over and play dead. Thats because they dont know their rights or options.

The other 10% become educated and take a stand. They refuse to just go along with the crowd and suffer day after day just to please the Banks bottom line. They study their rights under the law; FDCPA is just one resource. They also discover what to say and not to say when talking to a collector. But for most of us time is an issue and having the time and knowledge to learn what you need to know to negotiate is next to impossible for most. I do think you should take some time to at least know your rights but to negotiate is something that should be left to a professional.

The reason the Banks will take less than half of what they claim you owe is because you are in the 10% crowd and they are prepared for it. Its just part of business, its no big deal when they can go after the other 90% and make a big profit. So I recommend that you contact and use a debt settlement professional, preferably a lawyer. An experienced lawyer can prevent the hassles because the collectors need to deal with them once they are informed that you are being represented. Americans are suing collectors everyday for not following the law. The law is on your side. If your situation looks like it will never turn around then its now time to contact a debt settlement lawyer.

Former Debt Analyst Stephen Bis, currently writes for one of the largest debt settlement firms in the country. http://debt-settlement.debtconsolidationpodcast.com.Babs Blog53243
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