Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Retirement Planning With Property

Retirement Planning with property is easy to do when its done properly.

Let me ask you...Have you ever been on holidays and noticed that there are basically two types of holiday makers?

The first type is similar to what I used to be like years ago:

The person that watches where the money is spent and counts the holidays down from day one before going back to work.

Do you do that too?

I did and it used to drive me crazy, just as I started enjoying my holiday it was time to go back to work.

Now the other type of person is the one who goes on a holiday without keeping track of what he is spending or how long the holiday is going to go for, with the flexibility to change plans on a whim (for example, deciding to go to another holiday resort on the spur of the moment).

Why can't we all be like that?

Wouldn't you agree that if we worked all our lives we deserve to live that lifestyle? We deserve to enjoy our golden years by doing the things that we want to do and be financially secure enough to live life to the fullest.

We can, but you need to set it up.
Please also remember
Property Investment Is NOT A Get Rich Scheme

Which means that you need to start setting it all up now and not tomorrow, as we all know we put things off and knowingly after a year or 2, we kick ourselves for not taking the step when we thought about it.

I remember early 80's when I started out as an apprentice motor mechanic, there were some older guys that were retiring and everyone was saying how lucky they were to retire.

Do you remember the big thing in the early years, everyone used to receive "The Gold Watch"

But you know what? No-one even thought about what was actually happening to these retired workers, there cash flow was going to be reduced as they were going to go on the pension.

Most people work all their lives, sometimes starting as early as 15 yrs old and working till the age of 65 (a working lifespan of 50 years).

Generally, when people reach a retirement age the home is paid off, they have raised and educated the children and have done everything in their power to provide for the family.

But strangely enough, after all that, if we look at the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures: 86.6% of Australians who retire by the age of 65 will only live on an income stream of less than $16,000 per year!

That's only $320 a week to run the household, pay all bills, buy presents for the grand children, buy clothes etc. I know it's nowhere near enough to live a decent lifestyle - my mother (72 years old) experiences it everyday.

So how do we work all our lives and yet only finish with such a small amount of money?

Easy, because we are only taught how to get a job, pay our taxes, buy a home, raise a family and that's it.

No-one has ever said- "Hang on, you better start working smart and do some retirement planning and start to leverage your self for the future!"

So how do we change all that?

How do we start working smart so that we can retire financially secure and free with an ongoing income or alternatively, become financially independent at an early age?

What I'm about to show you has been used by the wealthy and other people in the property field for many years. It's really nothing new

Did you know investors use their investment properties to pay for their children's school education using this method I am about to share with you?

Just like my daughter Gyorgem, I have had the Investment Properties pay for her Private Schooling.

Firstly- I'll tell what its like: If you have a home loan with a Line Of Credit (LOC), couldn't you use the credit to purchase cars, holidays etc straight from the LOC?

But, it's YOUR home and you'd prefer to have it paid off as quickly as possible rather than increase the loan, right?

Well, what if you had a property investment portfolio of around one million dollars? Let me tell you, in today's values it's not hard to do at all, one million dollars in property investment is really not that much, once you get into your first investment, the second is not far away.

So if your portfolio is hypothetically increasing in growth at a rate of 7% per year, that means you have an equity increase of approximately $70,000 per year, right?

I will also tell you as you are probably aware of, property does not climb on a straight angle but if we look at it over years it averages a capital growth.

Then why can't we borrow that from the bank and use it for our lifestyle? And if we borrow from the bank, it's not an income, so do we pay tax on it?

No! Because it's TAX FREE! It's a LOAN, not an income! Now are we starting to work smarter and not harder?

This is in theory, because we all know property does not go up 7% every year. It may go up 15% one year and the next couple of years it may be flat, but on average, if we look at it long term, property has proved itself over and over again.

Just remember, with this method it also depends on how much you owe the bank (rental returns plus expenses). But if you hold property for the long term this is very possible and easily achievable.

In my personal appointments I go over this and show you how it's all possible, even for someone on a small income, but remember you will need to use equity. If you don't have a home you can use some one else's home for a couple of years until the Investment has grown in equity and then you can have the security property released.

My eldest client was 64 years old and self employed when he purchased his first Investment Property, so never say you are too old or that it's too late.

Like I've said before, time we can never replace. So many people just waste time finding excuses to push their financial wealth aside or leave it for another day which unfortunately never comes.

Did you know we spend more time writing a shopping list or planning a two week holiday than we do for our whole future?

Isn't this a shame?
Think about it and make a decision to start working on your future straight away, right now. Work out what you want and need so by the time you retire you have something to help you, because retirement planning with property will help you get there if you do it properly.

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Wishing you all the success,

Dino F. Livanidis,

Mr. Dino F. Livanidis helpe people build a Property Portfolio easily and he explains his step by step process in his new The Unitmate Guide To Property Investment, download now from http://www.npis.com.au.Avrit Blog80602
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